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  我說話總有種姐姐的口吻,彷如天真早就離我而去。上天讓我早經歷,早覺醒,我感欣。只要你願意,四年的確可以把一個女孩改變成一個女人,首要是:Break her dreams to the deep. 聰明的女生,不會害怕為人生上幾課;最怕是到了青春這種最基本的本錢都花光時,才輸個滿盆光,那要翻本就難了。

  我常說:Girls in 20, get hurt easily because they have hope and dreams about love. Girls in 24, they love their family and themselves the most. They see everything as a bonus.

  No expectation, no disappointment. That’s the lesson you need to learn for your life if you want to be happy. 不見得你要對人生對愛情失去希望,失去憧憬,而是把這些都放在心裡,繼而感欣所得到的每一點每一滴。不要一味只追求你希望得到的,並不是每件事目標為本就會達到目的,起碼愛情不是。這會讓你得到更多,因為你比從前快樂。

  這文章我想送給幾個我很喜歡的年輕女生,the reason you got hurt because you have a good heart. 想保護自己,並非靠變壞,是靠自愛和付出兩者中拿個平衡;猶如捐血,確保自己有健康的身體,把自己良好的捐出,不但幫助了他人,還令自身的血液循環更好,製造新的力量。光收穫,會讓人停滯不前或更甚;單付出,也會令人流血不止。穩住天秤,心變得強大,就不會再那麼容易天崩地裂。

  或許大家也不曾後悔上了撕裂破碎的一課,然而要我們再經歷一次,恐怕沒人願意,皆因今次我們會做得更好,不是嗎?縱然「愛」這科目好難畢業,還是有很多機會去學習去進步,it doesn’t a matter that is the right guy or wrong guy. Just go for it and keep your eyes open. Also don’t forget to keep your back door open. If there is anything goes really wrong, you still know the way to go home.

  每一次開始一段關係,都要記著這三項:Remember who you are. Remember what you want. And don’t fuck up together. 女孩們,為了愉快地活著,共勉之。

Five Two Zero's

favorite quote


"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason for madness."- Friedrich Nietzsche



We rip out so much of ourselves to be cured of things faster than we should that we go bankrupt by the age of thirty and have less to offer each time we start with someone new. But to feel nothing so as not to feel anything – what a waste!”

- Call me by your name



We cling to memories as if they define us, but they don’t. What we do is what defines us.” - Ghost in the Shell. 



“The true man wants two things: danger and play.  For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything.”- Friedrich Nietzsche

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