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完美先生 - 為你鍾情

  很喜歡翻看你的短訊,我只保留你的。由相識到現在的每一個。留著不是為了將來懷緬,而是要記著快樂的感覺,提醒著自己現在擁有的幸運,要帶著你的關愛,好好打理自己的人生。   真切觸動我心的,並非那句「I have only you」,而是你記得你說過的話。我以為那只是初相戀時,你用來俘虜我的夢境;現在你告訴我:那不只是夢,it come true! 是這種震撼,震碎了我用來分清夢與現實的陀螺。   樂意和我分享著真實的你,自然自在的你。這代表一份信任,Baby, you’re somebody now! 無論最後能否順利發生,你的心意,我已收到了。你親手煮的佳餚,我彷彿已食了。   Although I’m not in your life, I’m in your mind.   我好像不止一次連哄帶探的問你是否有太多情人,你每次都鄭重的回答我:只有我一個。過後,總覺得自己好幼稚,怎麼對你如此不信任,不該常為了他人的擔憂和懷疑而把你的話推出門外,畢竟,你是我的情人,你望著我的眼神,你抱著我的力度,只有我最清楚。   你總是完美演繹如夢一般的美男子。你的遍遍耳語,好比電影對白;你的絲絲甜言,媲美偉人情信;你的句句懺悔,叫人不得不原諒你。就是這樣謙虛的自覺,更讓我確定你是完美的。   你知道嗎,我收到那短訊,隨即熱淚盈睫之時,隨身聽正在播放著--為你鍾情。

Five Two Zero's

favorite quote


"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason for madness."- Friedrich Nietzsche



We rip out so much of ourselves to be cured of things faster than we should that we go bankrupt by the age of thirty and have less to offer each time we start with someone new. But to feel nothing so as not to feel anything – what a waste!”

- Call me by your name



We cling to memories as if they define us, but they don’t. What we do is what defines us.” - Ghost in the Shell. 



“The true man wants two things: danger and play.  For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything.”- Friedrich Nietzsche

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